Wie schon viele Jahre zuvor wird die Sommerpause an der Arche genutzt um vom 24.08 bis zum 07.09. kreative Workshops, Veranstaltungen und Filmvorführungen mit Menschen aus aller Welt zu veranstalten. Die Summer School findet in englischer Sprache statt.
The Summer School Utopia « Breathing Images » 2019 is two intense weeks from 24.08 to 07.09 of creative workshops, events and film screenings with people from around the world.
The participant will work on their personal film projects and practical group exercises in the morning session. In the afternoon program will open up for a space to network and develop new project ideas together. The Utopian group wants to discuss filmmaking from various perspectives, such as decolonial, queer and feminist, in a intersectional ways.
In the Evening there will be events open to everyone, related to the same topics.
You can find more informations about the summer school on our Website
https://utopiafilmarche.wordpress.com/ or on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/utopiasummerschool/